Full member with accredited programs🗸

ISB is approved and permitted by KHDA "Knowledge and Human Development Authority" the educational quality assurance and regulatory authority of the Government of Dubai, United Arab Emirates which is responsible for the evaluation and accreditation of educational institutions and universities in the Emirate of Dubai
ISB offers many study programs in the Business, Tourism, Management, and hospitality fields
Approved Programs (until 9th March 2029):
ISB 1 Diploma in Secretary & Hospitality (ISB1SAH)
14 Weeks Program
Equal to 22 ECTS
ISB 2 Diploma in Hotel and Restaurant Management (ISB2HSM)
14 Weeks Program
Equal to 22 ECTS
ISB 3 Diploma in Business and Economics (ISB3BEP)
14 Weeks Program
Equal to 22 ECTS
ISB 4 Diploma in Business, Tourism and Hospitality (ISB4BHT)
40 Weeks Program
Equal to 60 ECTS
ISB 5 Diploma in Tourism, Hospitality and Culinary Management (ISB5HCT)
40 Weeks Program
Equal to 60 ECTS
ISB6 Advanced Diploma in Entrepreneurship & International Management (ISB6EIM)
40 Weeks Program
Equal to 60 ECTS
ISB6 Advanced Diploma in Tourism, Hospitality & Events Management (ISB6HTE)
40 Weeks Program
Equal to 60 ECTS
ISB6 Advanced Diploma in Nutrition & Culinary Art (ISB6NCA)
40 Weeks Program
Equal to 60 ECTS
ISB6 Advanced Diploma in Commercial Diplomacy and International Relations (ISB6DIR)
40 Weeks Program
Equal to 60 ECTS
ISB6 Advanced Diploma in Taxation, Finance and Accounting (ISB6TFA)
40 Weeks Program
Equal to 60 ECTS
ISB6 Advanced Diploma in ICT Management Support Systems (ISB6MSS)
40 Weeks Program
Equal to 60 ECTS
ISB7 Extended Diploma in Tourism & Hotel Management (ISB7THM)
40 Weeks Program
Equal to 60 ECTS
ISB7 Extended Diploma in Managing Projects & Business Administration (ISB7MBA)
40 Weeks Program
Equal to 60 ECTS
ISB7 Extended Diploma in Nutrition and Food Service (ISB7NFS)
40 Weeks Program
Equal to 60 ECTS
ISB7 Extended Diploma in Economy and Tourism Law (ISB7ETL)
40 Weeks Program
Equal to 60 ECTS
ISB7 Extended Diploma in Sales and Marketing (ISB7SAM)
40 Weeks Program
Equal to 60 ECTS
ISB7 Extended Diploma in HRM and Managerial Psychology (ISB7HRP)
40 Weeks Program
Equal to 60 ECTS
ISB8 Advanced Extended Diploma in Business Administration (ISB8DBA)
40 Weeks Program
Equal to 60 ECTS
Main Address
Office 213
CEO Building DIP
Dubai, UAE
Activities that are Licensed and approved by Gov:
Development Management & Professional
Training Computer
Skills Occupational & Technical
Since: 2023 (2016)
Organization type: Private with State approval
Membership Level: Full Member with accredited study programs
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