Affiliated Member
THIRD EYE Communication is committed to serve the community to build social awareness through education and other benevolent activities. It always gives top priority to this aspect of social commitment rather than profit motive of typical professionalism. THIRD EYE Communication as a education impresario fosters not only the education but also associated with sponsoring various programmes, organising education related training programmes, workshops, seminars, opinion polls, public relation campaigns.
The Company has end-to-end expertise and experience in managing the projects right through ideation to implementation. All engagements are undertaken as a partnership, working with the client to establish an understanding of the business needs and requirements and thereafter providing the best means to achieve them. THIRD EYE Communication is an outcome driven organisation, with a passion for results – in terms of values we can help our clients attain in their quest for excellence.
Main Address
Unit 301, Bow Business Centre, 153-159 Bow Road, London, E3 2SE
Founded in: Sep 1, 2012 Official Name: Main Phone: 00447883583810 Name: Afzal Sayed (download the CV) Family: Munna Position: Director, Business Development your Email: copy of Phone: 00447883583810 copy of Address: Unit 301, Bow Business Centre, 153-159 Bow Road, London, E3 2SE Organization type: Private Organization URL: Comment: - I accept terms & conditions: ✓ Checked I want to subscribe to the newsletter.: Checked