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Swiss International University SIU

Swiss International University (SIU) is fully licensed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan as a recognized institution of higher education (License Serial Number: LS240001853). Founded in September 2024, SIU emerged from the merger of several institutes and academies across multiple countries and cities:

  • Kyrgyz-Uzbek International Pedagogical Institute in Osh, Kyrgyzstan, licensed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan.

  • ISBM International School of Business Management in Lucerne, Switzerland, is allowed to operate by the Swiss Cantonal Board of Education. ISBM is allowed to issue its diplomas based on the letter submitted to us during the visit issued by the Board of Education in Switzerland.

  • ISI Swiss International Vocational Institute in Dubai, approved and permitted by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA). The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) in Dubai is a government organization responsible for the growth, direction, and quality of private education and learning in Dubai. It oversees the education sector, which includes schools, higher education institutions, and training institutes.

  • International Academy Switzerland® in Zurich, the first virtual education provider in Europe to achieve certification and accreditation from ASIC, EFMD, EDU, and ECLBS.

  • Avicenna International Medical University in Bishkek, which hosts SIU and is listed by FAIMER (School ID: F0006354) and listed by the International Association of Universities, UNESCO.

  • Additionally, reputable institutions such as SDBS Swiss Distance Business School® and the OUS Royal Academy (OUBH) International Academy of Business, Hospitality, and Technology in Switzerland are integral parts of this merger.

SIU is officially registered as a higher education university under Registration Number 304742-3310-OOO.

For more information, visit:

Accredited programs until 15 Nov 2029 (Download report):

  • BSc in Economics 

    • Bachelor in Business Administration​

  • MSc in Economics

    • Master in Business Administration​

  • PhD in Economics

    • Doctorate in Business Administration​



  • Osh Office: Dzhandylik, Gafanzarova Street 53, Kyrgyz Republic

  • Freilagerstrasse 39, 8047 Zurich, SwitzerlandZurich Office:

  • Dubai Office: CEO Building, DIP Dubai, UAE

  • Luzern Office: Industriestrasse 59, 6034 Luzern Switzerland

  • Bishkek Office: 74 Shabdan Baatyr, Bishkek City, Kyrgyzstan

  • and other locations

Other names


Arabic (AR): الجامعة السويسرية الدولية

Russian (RU): Швейцарский Международный Университет

Swiss International University SIU is Licensed and accredited by the KG Ministry of Education and Science, allowed by the Board of Education and Culture in Switzerland, and Approved and permitted by the KHDA Dubai Educational Authority
الجامعة السويسرية الدولية، المرخصة والمعتمدة من قبل وزارة التعليم والعلوم في قرغيزستان، والمسموح لها بالعمل من قبل مجلس التعليم والثقافة في سويسرا، والمرخصة والمصرح لها من قبل هيئة المعرفة والتنمية البشرية في دبي
Swiss International University, die von dem Bildungs- und Wissenschaftsministerium der Kirgisischen Republik lizenziert und akkreditiert ist, vom Bildungs- und Kulturrat der Schweiz zugelassen und von der Bildungsbehörde KHDA in Dubai genehmigt und erlaubt wurde.
Швейцарского Международного Университета, который лицензирован и аккредитован Министерством образования и науки Кыргызской Республики, разрешен Советом по образованию и культуре Швейцарии и одобрен Образовательным управлением KHDA в Дубае.

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