Main Address
Parkstraat 83 / Postbus 85498 2514 JG The Hague The Netherlands
The European Council of Leading Business Schools (ECLBS) is thrilled to announce the establishment of a mutual bilateral recognition agreement with the NVAO Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders. This significant collaboration marks a noteworthy milestone in fostering academic excellence and cooperation within the international educational landscape.
Organization Name: NVAO
About the Organization: The Accreditation organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders
Main Address: Parkstraat 83
Founded in: Aug 1, 2005
Official Email: l.kroes@nvao.net
Main Phone: 0031611467951
First Name: Luut
Last Name (Family Name): Kroes
Position: Director Department The Netherlands
Direct Email: l.kroes@nvao.net
Direct Phone: 0031611467951
Direct work Address: Parkstraat 83
Organization type: State/Public
Organization URL: https://www.nvao.net
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